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How to Run an Initial Client Setup Process


The Initial Client Setup process is a crucial process in Etendo which allows defining information about the client and the accounting schema the organization will use. The information configured through this window sets the bases for the organizational structure and the chart of accounts to be used with every organization of the client.


It can be run by logging in Etendo as System Administrator role.

This process allows to:

  • Enter the name of the client, the client username and a password.
  • Enter the base currency of the client, that is going to be the currency of the Client regardless of if an Organization which belongs to it might have a different currency.
  • Include Accounting for the client.

Including accounting Schema

Decide on the accounting schema the organization will use and set the accounting using the Initial Client Set up window.

Include accounting

To include this data, there is a checkbox named Include Accounting which obligates the user to enter a specific chart of accounts. For this, there are two options:

  1. Uploading a CSV file with the chart of accounts, as explained in the Accounting File section below.
  2. If you have a localization bundle installed, selecting one of the chart of accounts listed in the Reference data section since these datasets are already installed.


It is recommended to have the Include Accounting option checked if the user needs to apply the same chart of accounts to all of its organizations. In case of entering a different chart of accounts for each specific organization, you should run this process without checking the checkbox and then configure the Chart of Accounts in the Initial Organization Setup window.


In the Reference Data section, the existing datasets will depend on the localization installed, if any.

If the checkbox Include Accounting is selected and an accounting file or reference data is selected, Etendo creates:

The General Ledger Configuration and the Chart of Accounts created by default can be later on customized.


For more information, read General Setup.

The General Ledger Configuration is linked to the Account Tree as the Account is a mandatory dimension of the general ledger configuration.

Accounting file

Etendo also allows choosing the accounting CSV file with the corresponding chart of accounts (Account Tree) to upload into the system from the field Accounting File.


For more information, read How to Create Accounts Files

Module configuration

Etendo distributes accounting CSV files as modules which can be applied as reference data. These kinds of modules are part of the Etendo localization for a given country.


The list of available localization bundles is found in the Etendo marketplace.

There are some additional modules that may be important for the initial client setup.

The key modules include:

  • Standard document types for orders, invoices, etc, this one is selected by default as it is necessary for creating transactional data such as orders and invoices.

  • Reference data such as master data or configuration data (i.e. tax setup) created for Etendo extension modules.

These modules are useful as tax configurations generally apply to all organizations in a country, and setting standard document types helps avoid inconsistent numbering issues across different organizations.


It is recommended to install necessary modules for the proper operation of the client, based on their specific requirements.


Datasets Installation: additional modules can be added from the Enterprise Module Management window within the system.

Every new Client created in Etendo centrally maintains at least the mandatory accounting dimensions listed below:

  • Organization
  • Business Partner
  • and Product

unless the Central Maintenance checkbox is unselected for the Client which would imply the configuration and management of all the accounting dimensions (mandatory and not mandatory) at organization level.

To conclude, it is important to carefully conduct the initial setup in Etendo, considering the organization's needs and specific requirements. Additionally, thorough documentation of the accounting structure and module configurations is essential for future reference and efficient system management.


Visit General Setup to continue with Etendo's initial setup.

This work is a derivative of Initial Client Setup by Openbravo Wiki, used under CC BY-SA 2.5 ES. This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 by Etendo.