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How to Filter any request for Active or all Records

You can filter any request by active or all rows

The _noActiveFilter parameter can be used in any request method to filter active records or all records (active and inactive). This way it allows more control when obtaining the results.

Example of GET request for all records

Open Postman and we will make a get request.

Verbose: GET

URL: http://localhost:8094/BusinessPartner?_noActiveFilter=true

Body: empty

Return: a json object with all businessPartners active or inactive

Example of GET request only for active records

Open Postman and we will make a get request.

Verbose: GET

URL: http://localhost:8094/BusinessPartner?_noActiveFilter=false

Body: empty

Return: a json object with all active BusinessPartner rows

Another way to get active rows is to remove the parameter _noActiveFilter parameter , because by default the active row always applies the active row filter.