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Development Build Tasks


This document discusses the gradle tasks used during the build process of Etendo. It explains what the gradle tasks are used for and which properties can be used to control their behavior.


Notice that Gradle is case sensitive.

Main Build Tasks

This section explains the main build tasks following the steps as illustrated in the image.

In most of the cases, it is only necessary to use 3 tasks (install , smartbuild and export.database). There are a number of other tasks that can be used but they are not required for the standard process.


For more information, see Detailed Build Tasks section.

The main task for the standard process is smartbuild which performs all the required processes as explained below. This task accepts an optional property:

  • local for local or remote developments which by default is set to yes .

The difference between local and remote development is illustrated in the diagram. Local development are changes by the developer him/herself. Remote developments are changes done by other developers. Changes by remote developments are pulled from the source code revision system.


remote means that the user is bringing changes to the workspace from an external location, e.g. with a git pull.

Initial installation

After downloading the Etendo ERP source files. It is necessary to install and deploy it. Check our guide about Etendo Install

Database export

In most cases developments include modifications on the database. This modifications can be persisted in xml files using the DBSourceManager tool. DBSourceManager exports to xml files only the modules (including core) that are set as In Development. To export the database execute:

./gradlew export.database

After this step, the changed model xml files can be pushed/committed to the source code revision system, so that other developers can pick them up and continue working on top of it.

When a module is exported using the export.database task, it is first validated to check for common errors. If the validation fails then the export.database task will also fail and export is not possible.

The following checks are currently done:

  • A table defined in the Application Dictionary should be present in the database and vice versa.
  • Column definitions in the database and the Application Dictionary are compared, any mismatch is reported. The column datatype, default value and length are checked.
  • Tables should have a primary key.
  • Foreign key fields should be part of a foreign key constraint.
  • Names of tables, columns and constraints are checked for their length (Oracle and PostgreSQL has a 30 character limit there).

Update database

Database model changes are distributed by committing the database schema as xml to SCM. Other developers pull the changes from SCM and can apply them to update their own database. After updating the database the process is exactly the same as the local one, that is compile and deploy the elements that have been modified since last build.

./gradlew update.database
./gradlew smartbuild

All the required actions (update database, compile last modifications and deploy them) can be done with only the smartbuild command:

./gradlew smartbuild -Dlocal=no -Dforce=yes

The only difference with the local development is in the local parameter which makes the process to update the database in case the xml files were changed.

Module Consistency Check

An instance is consistent in case the dependencies of all the modules it has installed are satisfied. Development instances can define inconsistencies (for example by creating a dependency on a module version which is not installed) whereas production instances where all the modules are installed through obx or Central Repository should not be inconsistent because it is guargradleeed by the installation process.

Inconsistent instances can be in a situation where it is not possible to update any of the modules (including core) they have installed. This is due the fact that Central Repository only proposes updates to consistent sets of versions and it is possible the inconsistency cannot be resolved by any.

Detailed Build Tasks

This section contains a detailed listing of all available build tasks.

Libraries build tasks

Task Description Notes
core.lib Compiles and generates a .jar file from the src-core project. Which is needed by wad.lib and the rest of build tasks. Required by: wad.lib
wad.lib Compiles and generates a .jar file from the src-wad project. Which is needed by the build tasks. This project contains the WAD, the automatic window generator. Requires: core.lib, database created Required by: compile.*
trl.lib Compiles and generates a .jar file from the src-trl project. Which is needed by the translate task. This project allows to translate to different languages manual windows. Requires: core.lib

Build tasks

Task Description Notes
install Installs the whole application: creates the database, compiles it and generates a war file to be deployed or copies the classes to Tomcat's directory (depending on the deploy.mode property set in Calls: create.database, core.lib, wad.lib, trl.lib, compile.complete.deploy, applyModule.
smartbuild Makes an incremental build of the application. Including:
All these tasks are done only if needed.
Requires: Database must be created and populated with data Properties:
local: (yes/no default as yes) when this property is set to no update.database task is executed, otherwise it is not executed.
tr: (yes/no default as yes) if set to no, translation process is not executed.
force: (yes/no default as no) used with local=no. If set to yes it will overwrite the changes in the database with the XML information. Note: All un-exported changes will be lost.
compile.complete Compiles all modified classes (including the generated ones) but before removes all the generated and built files, so the whole application is built Requires: wad.lib, trl.lib, database created and populated. Calls: translate
tab: specifies the window name(s) to be generated, to specify more than one window add them as a list of comma separated values. Note that even window is specified by this property, its 2.50 code will not be generated unless it is required or forced.
tr: if set to "no" it will not call the translation process.
module: a list of comma separated javapackages of modules to generate just the windows containing objects for those modules.
generate.entities Generates the Java files for src-gen directory, and compiles them. They are used by DAL to access to the database information. Requires: Database must be created and populated with data.
translate Checks in the manual windows User Interface files the translateable elements that have not been yet registered and registers them, this is necessary to be able to translate those interfaces to different languages. Requires: trl.lib Called by: This task is called by the compile.* tasks in case the tr property is not set to "no".
antWar Generates a war file from the existing built code. In fact it only zips the application in a single war file. Requires: compile.*: the application must be built before calling this task.
deploy.context Deploy the existing war file in the tomcat context using the tomcat manager. Requires:
war file must be created
Tomcat manager must be running
These properties must be properly set in the file:
tomcat.manager. url

Database tasks

Task Description Notes Sub Tasks
create.database Creates the database from the xml files, note that the database is first removed. If the apply.on.create property is set, masterdata and sampledata will be inserted in the database. If not, only sourcedata will be inserted. Properties:
apply.on.create: If is set to true and there are modules they will be applied, otherwise they will be set as In process status.
create.database.script: The same as create.database.structure but does not affect the database it only generates the sql script file with all the statements that would be executed by the other tasks.
update.database Synchronizes database with the current database xml files. By default it checks that no changes in application dictionary in database are done, if so the process stops. Properties:
force: (yes/no default as no) Do not check for database modification and update directly. This can cause lose of database data.
update.database.script: It is the same as update.database.structure but does not modify the database. It only generates a sql script file with the statements that would be executed by the other tasks.
export.database Synchronizes xml files with the database current contents. By default they are only exported in case there are modifications in the database. In addition performs database validations for the modules which are exported. Properties:
force: (yes/nodefault as no) Forces the export skipping the check of which files had been modified since last update.database.
validate.model: (yes/no default as yes) Checks the model that is being exported fulfills a series of rules related to modularity, oracle-postgreSQL compatibility, etc. In case any of these rules is not complied, export will not be done and an error message will be raisen.


update.database and export.database tasks support multi-thread parallel execution for some of their actions such as index creation or function standardization. By default, the number of threads used is calculatedas the half of the available number of cores in the machine where the task isexecuted. This value can be set by adding the -Dmax.threads=numOfThreads parameter.

Test Tasks

Task Description
test By default, all Etendo tests are run. You can use the --tests "<package>" to specify which tests you want to run.


For more information about execution test in Gradle visit Test Filtering in Gradle

Other Tasks

Task Description
migrate.attachments Migrates the attachments to the new attachment model.

This work is a derivative of Development Build Tasks by Openbravo Wiki, used under CC BY-SA 2.5 ES. This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 by Etendo.