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Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Tool

Javapackage: com.etendoerp.copilot.ocrtool


The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Tool is a tool that recognizes text from images or pdfs. It can be used in Copilot Apps to extract information from images or pdfs that are uploaded to the chat.


To be able to include this functionality, the Copilot Extensions Bundle must be installed. To do that, follow the instructions from the marketplace: Copilot Extensions Bundle. For more information about the available versions, core compatibility and new features, visit Copilot Extensions - Release notes.


  1. Add Copilot OCR Tool dependency in the Etendo Classic project, In build.gradle, add:


  2. Restart Docker image using ./gradlew copilot.stop and ./gradlew copilot.start tasks

  3. Do an update.database smartbuild to compile the environment of Etendo Classic.

    ./gradlew update.database smartbuild --info
  4. After that, configure the tool in a Copilot App, in order to do that, go to Copilot App and pick the OCR Tool option in the Tool tab.

  5. Update you application:

    • If its an OpenAI Assistant, click in the Sync OpenAI Assistant button.
    • If its a Langchain App, restart copilot with the following commands:
      ./gradlew copilot.stop
      ./gradlew copilot.start
  6. Now, your Copilot App is ready to use the OCR Tool to recognize text from images or pdf that you upload in the chat.



It is important to clarify that this is a first version subject to improvements. Maybe the tool is not able to recognize all the images or pdfs that are presented to it. In general, the Tool returns the information in JSON format, but the information in the JSON may not reach the user directly, since Copilot can reinterpret the information summarizing it. It is recommended to either specify the result you expect well or ask it to show you the complete JSON.

Requesting text recognition from an image/pdf

After the configuration, you can upload an image or pdf to the chat and the tool will recognize the text:

  1. Open Copilot button and open a chat with the OpenAI Assistant.
  2. Upload an image or pdf to the chat. If you specify the information you want to extract from the image, the tool will return the information in the chat.
  3. The tool will recognize the text and return it in the chat.

We attach an image of an invoice

and Copilot will return the recognized(and interpreted) text in the chat.

Result Chaining

Remember that the result of the tool can be used in other tools, for example, you can use the result of the OCR Tool in a tool that writes the information in a database or sends it to a web service.