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To get to a window, type a part of its name in the Create New button or the Quick Launch button. Etendo also offers a tree menu for easy discovery.

Quick Launch


For more information about Quick Launch functionalities, see the Quick Menu section in the Top Navigation Bar section.

Application menu tree structure

The Application menu is used to make all the application elements accessible to the user. Also, the last three searches are shown in this window.

Application menu navigation

Icon references

There are different types of menu items which are identified with different icons:

Folders are used to organize other items within them. They can be expanded or collapsed to show their contents by clicking them.
Reports explode information from Etendo Classic.
Processes allow complex operations to be performed. Some examples would be to import data from a file or the automatic creation of invoices from purchase orders.
Windows allow the user to create, modify or query records. By records, it is meant any entity that has its own data within Etendo Classic, such as a product, an order, an invoice, etc.

Application Areas

Etendo is split into different application areas. Each area is represented by a separate folder accessible from the Application menu in the top navigation screen area.

Window structure

The Toolbar contains action buttons and process buttons. Action buttons are generic and can be applied to almost all selected records.  Process buttons are record specific and depend on the record status and the active level (header or lines or lower).

Window structure

1 Action buttons
2 Process buttons


The action buttons perform the following actions: 

Create new record Create a new record in a form
Insert new row Insert a new row in grid view
Save your changes Save your changes in the database
Close current record Close the current record and return to grid view
Cancel changes Cancel changes and return to last saved state
Delete current record Delete the current selected record(s) from the database
Refresh current data Refresh the current data from the database
Export to spreadsheet Export to spreadsheet
Upload new attachment Upload new attachment
Copy record Copy record
Print record Print record
Show audit trail Email
Show audit trail Show audit trail
Get a direct link Get a direct link to this view or record
Form personalization Form personalization
Save view Save view
Show table and form Show table and form

This work is a derivative of "User Interface Introduction" by Openbravo Wiki, used under CC BY-SA 2.5 ES. This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 by Etendo.