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Resolving Dependencies on GitHub

🔄 Migrating and Resolving Dependencies of Bundles and Modules on GitHub

Hello, Etendo Partner 👋. We've moved the bundles and modules from Nexus to GitHub. This allows us to take advantage of the stability of GitHub, and have the packages associated with each bundle and the releases in the same repository. Here we provide a step-by-step guide to help you make the transition.

📝 Tutorial

📦 Migrated Bundles

The following bundles have been migrated to GitHub, along with all their versions, check the Etendo Core compatibility, in case that you have a old Etendo version you must update before: We recommend migrating to Etendo 23.2.0 or grather and the dependencies to the latest supported versions.

Bundle Javapakage Version From Core To core
Sales Extensions com.etendoerp.sales.extensions 1.5.0 22.1.0 23.2.x
Sales Extensions ES com.etendoerp.sales.extensions.es_es 1.4.0 22.1.0 23.2.x
Financial Extensions 1.8.0 23.1.4 23.2.x
Financial Extensions ES 1.2.0 23.1.4 23.2.x
Production Extensions com.etendoerp.production.extensions. 1.3.0 22.1.0 23.2.x
Production Extensions ES com.etendoerp.production.extensions.es_es 1.1.0 22.1.0 23.2.x
Platform Extensions com.etendoerp.platform.extensions 1.6.0 23.2.0 23.2.x
Platform Extensions ES com.etendoerp.platform.extensions.es_es 1.2.0 22.1.0 23.2.x
Warehouse Extensions com.etendoerp.warehouse.extensions 1.3.0 23.1.4 23.2.x
Warehouse Extensions ES com.etendoerp.warehouse.extensions.es_es 1.2.0 23.1.4 23.2.x
Essential Extensions com.etendoerp.essentials.extensions 1.1.0 23.1.4 23.2.x
Essential Extensions ES com.etendoerp.essentials.extensions.es_es 1.0.0 23.1.4 23.2.x
Localizacion Española com.etendoerp.localization.spain.extensions 1.4.0 22.4.3 23.2.x

🚀 Migration Process

  1. Update settings.gradle File: You'll need to update your settings.gradle file to add the new GitHub repository.

    pluginManagement {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url ''
                credentials {
                    username "${githubUser}"
                    password "${githubToken}"
            maven {
                url ''
    // Add modules subprojects
    new File("${this.rootDir}/modules").listFiles().each {
        if ( && new File(it, 'build.gradle').exists()) {
    } = "etendo"
  2. Update Etendo Gradle Plugin: You need to update com.etendoerp.gradleplugin to version 1.1.0 or later. Alternatively, you can use latest.release to always get the latest version, in this case the gradle version should be 7.3.2, to check the gradle version execute './gradlew --version' and to upgrade execute ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.3.2

    plugins {
        id 'java'
        id 'war'
        id 'groovy'
        id 'maven-publish'
        id 'com.etendoerp.gradleplugin' version 'latest.release' 
  3. GitHub Setup: You need to set up your GitHub username and token to have read access to Etendo packages. You can create the token by following the Use of Repositories technical guide.
  4. Dependency Check: Review the dependencies in your Etendo build.gradle file to make sure there are bundles that can be upgraded to versions published on GitHub. If you are not ready to migrate yet, that's OK, Nexus will be available until March 2024.

  5. Resolve New Dependencies


One restriction that GitHub has is that published packages must have a lowercase javapackage, so we had to refactor the translation modules, which previously ended with the suffix "_ES", now all packages including bundle translations have their artifact in lowercase.


A special consideration are the modules org.openbravo.module.invoiceTaxReportEnhanced30 and org.openbravo.module.invoiceTaxReportEnhanced30.en_ES which belong to the Spain Localisation bundle and were refactored as well.

This affects the current environments, to fix this we have to:

  1. If the environment has the dependencies as "moduleDeps", in sources, we will have to remove from the /modules folder all the ones ending in "_ES".

    We provide a script to delete all modules that could be resolved from Nexus and then re-download them from GitHub.

    ## Define the list of modules to be deleted
    ## Define the modules directory
    ## Iterate over each module and delete it
    for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
    if [ -d "${module_directory}/${module}" ]; then
        echo "Deleting ${module_directory}/${module}..."
        rm -rf "${module_directory}/${module}"
        echo "Directory ${module_directory}/${module} does not exist"
    echo "Modules deletion has been completed."


    Make sure the modules have no customizations, otherwise local changes will be deleted.

    Copy this code and create a file in the Etendo root project, run chmod +x to give execution permissions and then run ./ to delete the dependencies.

  2. Modify the build.gradle of our project and change the dependencies to lowercase. For example:

    moduleDeps('com.etendoerp:financial.extensions.es_ES:latest.release@zip') {transitive = true}
    // Replace by
    moduleDeps('com.etendoerp:financial.extensions.es_es:latest.release@zip') {transitive = true}

  3. Execute ./gradlew expandModules task to download the new dependencies.
  4. Run ./gradlew update.database smartbuild to recompile the environment.

If the dependencies are declared as implementation, this means that they are in JAR format, just change the uppercase to lowercase. For example:

// Replace by

Then run ./gradlew update.database smartbuild, this will dynamically download the dependencies and compile the environment again.


It is also possible that in the build.gradle there is a combination of both types of dependencies, you should follow both steps.


We recommend using the dependencies in JAR format, having a cleaner workspace and a simpler update process. This is a good opportunity to migrate.


Remember, Nexus will still be available until March 2024, so you have time to make this transition 🕑. We hope you find this guide useful.

If you encounter any issues or need additional help, do not hesitate to reach out to our support service🚑.