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Etendo Backup and Restore Plugin

Resolving the plugin

To use the Etendo Backup and Restore tool, you should add the plugin id on the build.gradle file, with the selected version.

plugins {
    id 'com.etendoerp.etendobackup' version "1.0.0"

To resolve the plugin dependiencies, you should add the following lines on top of the settings.gradle file

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
        maven {
            url ""

Backup task


The User running the backup must have SUDO access and the file properly configured.

To run the backup, execute

./gradlew backup -PbkpMode=<mode>

Where the mode could be manual or auto

Backup properties file

The file is found inside the config folder on the root project. If it does not exists, run ./gradlew setup to generate the missing files.

You can also provide a custom location of adding the next block inside build.gradle.
backup {
    configPath = "/path/to/"
} contains most of the properties that you should customize before running the backup.

  • USER Sets the user who will be running the backup.

  • GROUP Sets the group related to the user running the backup.

  • BACKUPS_DIR Sets the path where the backup will be stored.

  • BACKUPS_TMP_DIR Sets the path where the temp directory will be created to store the generated files.

  • ATTACH_COPY Sets a flag (yes or no) if the external attachments (if cointained) should be included in the backup.

  • ATTACH_IN_BKP Sets a flag (yes or no) if the source attachments should be included in the backup.

Email properties

These properties are used when the backup is running in auto mode.

  • EMAIL_FROM Sets the address sending emails.
  • EMAIL_USER Sets the user address who sends emails.
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD Sets the email user password.

A backup could finalize in 3 STATES: ERROR - WARNING - SUCCESS

Depending on the finish STATE, the next properties are used to specify the email address where to send emails.

  • EMAIL_STATE_TO Sets the email address where to send emails.

  • EMAIL_STATE_CC Sets multiple email address (separated with ;) which will receive the email;

  • EMAIL_STATE_SUBJECT Sets the subject of the email.

Finalized states

  • ERROR Occurs when the creation of the backup fails. An email must be sent to the specified properties.

  • WARNING The backup finalizes with WARNING messages. If the SEND_EMAIL_ON_WARNING flag is set to yes, an email should be sent to the specified properties.

  • SUCCESS The backup finalizes without warning or errors. If the SEND_EMAIL_ON_SUCCESS flag is set to yes, an email should be sent to the specified properties.

Restore task


The user running the restore should have SUDO access.

To run the restore, execute

./gradlew restore -PbackupPath=/path/to/backup

Replace /path/to/backup/ with the location of the backup to be restored.

A menu will be shown where you can choose multiple options to be performed.


Make sure all the options selected are correct. The selected destination directories and database will be OVERWRITTEN.

  1. User verification:
    You should run the restore with SUDO access (recommended). In case of not having permissions, you will have the option of inserting the SUDO password.
  2. Sources destination:
    You can select the location in which the sources will be restored. The default path is set to the root dir from the project where the restore command is being executed.
  3. Attachments verification:
    You can select to keep or ignore the copy of attachments (externals or contained inside the sources).
  4. Properties verification:
    You can select which properties to use.


The properties set the options which the database will use on the restore.

  • Project properties Obtained from the file inside the current project running the restore. You can change these properties to select, for example, the name of the database to be restored. Once the restore is done, the properties inside config/ will be updated with the selected ones.
  • Original sources properties Obtained from the file inside the original sources. The database will be restored with the original options (this could overwrite an existing database) The properties inside config/ will not change.

  • Database properties In the end, a message will be shown with the properties which the database will use to be restored. These properties depend on the ones selected previously.