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This tutorial provides an extensive, step-by-step guide to help you create a new sub-app from our base project, which can be found on Github as Subapp Base. By following these instructions, you will gain the capability to create a fully functional standalone subapplication, utilizing the power of RX and harnessing the potential of Etendo UI Library components, detailed in our comprehensive guide, installation and usage on the Storybook. This process not only enables you to develop a unique sub-app but also contributes to the expansion of your application ecosystem by integrating a classic module, thereby enhancing its overall functionality and versatility.


Before starting this tutorial, visit the Create New Subapplication tutorial.


Create new Module

Following the documentation about how to create a new etendo classic module, you have to create a new module in the Etendo Classic.

Below is a succinct representation of the required fields and expected values for the module configuration:

Field Value
Java Package com.etendoerp.subapp.product
Name Product Subapplication
Type Module
Description Subapplication to manage products using Etendo RX
Version 1.0.0
In Development true
Is RX true
Is React true
RX Java Package com.etendoerx.subapp.product
Translation Required true
License Type Etendo Commercial License
Commercial true



  • Notice that the name can be anything you want, but the type have to be setted as Module.
  • The description field is free and also required.

Dynamic app and role configuration

As the same as the previos section, the dynamic app and role have to be configured following the documentation about the dynamic app window.

Dynamic app

The dynamic app in Etendo must contain the following form fields and corresponding values:

Field Value
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Name Product Subapplication
Directory Location /
Name 1.0.0
File Name productSubapp.js
Active true
Is Development true


Role configuration

The next table reflect the settings to be configured for the role in relation to the dynamic app within the Etendo system.

Field Value
Organization *
App Product Subapplication
Version 1.0.0
Active true



Keep this dynamic app as active.

At this point you have done with the etendo classic configuration.

Download the subapplication

This tutorial is based in our example of a product subapplication, which allows to manage products in a list of products (create, edit and delete) using Etendo RX.

Keep in mind

All related to the main concepts of a subapplication are explained in the concepts section in create new subapplication tutorial. The following sections are focused on the product subapplication example.

To begin with we must have to download the latest version of the project inside the modules/<javapackage> folder in the Etendo environment. Then unzip the file and the folder must look like this:

└── com.etendoerx.subapp.product
    ├── src-db 
    └── subapp-product
        ├── .bundle
        ├── _tests_
        ├── android
        ├── ios
        ├── lib
        ├── node_modules
        └── src


Whole process to run a subapp in developer mode among with etendo classic and etendo mobile is detailed in Create New Subapplication

Customizing and Programming a Sub-Application

This section explains how to customize and program a subapplication. It uses as an example the Product Subapplication .

Product subapp example

This section covers an overview about the product subapplication example screens and principal parts of the subapplication where covered in Create New Subapplication.


This subapplication example was developed for both platforms (phone and tablet). When you create a new subapplication, you have to do the same. The provided base subapplication is already configured for both platforms.


  • This is the main screen of the subapplication. It will show a list of products. Also, it will allow us to edit and remove a product, find a product by name and navigate to the detail of a product.
  • The route to this screen is src/screens/home/index.tsx and it can be consulted on the Github repository.

Key Components:

  1. Navbar: Positioned at the top, it displays the application's title and user's name, offering navigation controls.

  2. ButtonUI: A customizable UI button from Etendo UI Library, used for actions like navigating to product details. It can be styled in terms of size, style, and includes icons.

  3. SearchContainer: Enables product search by name, allowing the product list to be updated based on the query using the component from Etendo UI Library.

  4. TableUI: Displays products in a table format, allowing interactions such as editing, deleting or viewing product details. Available in the tablet or web version.

  5. Cards: Used to display product details in a card format, providing a more detailed view of the product. Only available in the mobile version.

  6. Layout and Style: The screen is designed to be responsive for both mobile and tablet formats, with a layout comprising the navbar, button, search bar, and table. Styles are defined in the styles object for consistency.

    home-screen.png remove-product.png
    Tablet version home-screen-tablet.png


  • This screen will show the detail of a product. Also, it will allow us to edit the product.
  • It's the same screen used to create a new product. there is a flag to know if the product is new or not (productItem).
  • The route to this screen is src/screens/productDetail/index.tsx and it can be consulted on the Github repository{target="blank"}.
    add-product.png edit-product.png
    _Tablet version

Projections, Repository and Search


In this section we will explain how to configure the projections, repository and search needed in this example. For more info visit Projections, Repository And Search official documentation.

Create a projection

It is required to create projections that reflect partial views of the root class and contain only the necessary properties. To do this we will go to the Projections window and create a projection with the following properties:

Field Value
Module Subapp Product Module - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Name ProdSubApp
Description -


Adding the projection and mapping

Having created the projection, we now need to map it to a table from which we want to extract data. To do this, we open the Projections and Mappings window.

Next, we add a new record with the following values:

Field Value
Organization *
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Name prodsubapp
GRPC false
description -
active false


Adding projected entities

Now with the projection selected add in the Projected Entities tab the write and read projections of Product and Product_Category in which we can specify the required values from the M_Product table.

Name  Property
Organization *
Name PRODSUBAPP - Product - Read
Table M_Product
Identity false
Mapping Type Etendo to external system
Is Rest Endopoint true
External_Name Product
Active true
Name  Property
Organization *
Name PRODSUBAPP - Product - Write
Table M_Product
Identity false
Mapping Type External system to Etendo
Is Rest Endopoint true
External_Name Product
Active true
Name  Property
Organization *
Name PRODSUBAPP - M_Product_Category - Read
Table M_Product_Category
Identity false
Mapping Type Etendo to external system
Is Rest Endopoint true
External_Name M_Product_Category
Active true
Name  Property
Organization *
Name PRODSUBAPP - M_Product_Category - Write
Table M_Product
Identity false
Mapping Type External system to Etendo
Is Rest Endopoint true
External_Name Product
Active true


Now we define which fields we want to retrieve in the Entity Field tab by adding the following fields:

This is the M_Product - Read fields.

Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 10
Property id
Name id
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally true
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 20
Property name
Name name
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 30
Property productCategory
Name productCategory
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Entity Mapping
Related Projection Entity PRODSUBAPP - M_Product_Category - Read
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 40
Property uPCEAN
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 50
Property active
Name active
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true

This is the M_Product - Write fields.

Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 10
Property id
Name id
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally true
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 20
Property name
Name name
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 30
Property uPCEAN
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 40
Property searchKey
Name searchKey
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Java Mapping
Java Mapping PRODSUBAPPProductValueWrite
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 50
Property active
Name active
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true

This is the M_Product_Category - Read fields.

Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 10
Property id
Name id
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally true
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true
Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 20
Property name
Name name
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally false
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true

This is the M_Product_Category - Write fields.

Name  Property
Module Product Subapplication - 1.0.0 - English (USA)
Organization *
Line 10
Property id
Name id
Is Mandatory false
Identifies Record Univocally true
Field Mapping Direct mapping
Constant Value -
Active true


Create a New Repository

Now to interact with a data warehouse we have to create a repository in the Tables and Columns window select the table M_Product, go to the Repository tab and create a new record with the following values:

Field Value
Module Subapp Product Module - 1.0.0 - English (USA)


Next we will define a search method to be used later when we want to consume the products. To create this new filter/search method, in the Repository tab of the M_Product table, create a new record with the following data:

Field Value
Method Name getFilteredProducts
 Query SELECT e FROM Product e WHERE ( = true) AND (lower( LIKE lower('%' || :name || '%') OR lower(e.uPCEAN) LIKE lower('%' || :name || '%')) order by e.updated desc


Creating a New Search Parameter

To define the parameter we defined in the previous query we need to create a new row in the Search Parameter tab and add the following record:

Field Value
Line 10
Name name
Type String


Setting up the Development Environment

Before customizing and programming your sub-application, ensure your development environment is properly set up. The following steps detail how to do this:

  1. Create a Java Package: Create a Java package in the modules_rx directory of your Etendo environment. This package should match the Etendo RX Java package created in Etendo Classic for your sub-application. For instance, if you're developing a product sub-application, you could create a package like com.etendorx.subapp.product.

  2. Generate Entities Using Etendo RX: Use Etendo RX to generate entities for your sub-application's data structure. Run the command ./gradlew rx:generate.entities in the root of your Etendo environment. This generates essential directories and files like lib, src-db, and src-gen in your Java package.

    Run the following command in the root of your Etendo environment:

    ./gradlew rx:generate.entities

    Once generated com.etendoerx.subapp.product inside modules_rx add a file named build.gradle and the src/main/java/com/etendorx/subapp/product/javamap folders inside add the mapping java class.

    └── com.etendoerx.subapp.product
        ├── build 
        ├── lib
        ├── src
        │   └── main
        │       └── java
        │           └── com
        │               └── etendorx
        │                   └── subapp
        |                       └── product
        |                           └── javamap
        |                               └──
        ├── src-gen
        └── build.gradle
    package com.etendorx.subapp.product.javamap;
    import com.etendorx.entities.jparepo.FinancialMgmtTaxCategoryRepository;
    import com.etendorx.entities.jparepo.OrganizationRepository;
    import com.etendorx.entities.jparepo.ProductCategoryRepository;
    import com.etendorx.entities.jparepo.UOMRepository;
    import com.etendorx.entities.mapper.lib.DTOWriteMapping;
    import com.etendorx.entities.mappings.PRODSUBAPPM_ProductDTOWrite;
    import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
    import org.openbravo.model.common.plm.Product;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
    public class ProductValue implements DTOWriteMapping<Product, PRODSUBAPPM_ProductDTOWrite> {
      private final OrganizationRepository organizationRepository;
      private final ProductCategoryRepository productCategoryRepository;
      private final UOMRepository uomRepository;
      private final FinancialMgmtTaxCategoryRepository financialMgmtTaxCategoryRepository;
      public ProductValue(OrganizationRepository organizationRepository,
          ProductCategoryRepository productCategoryRepository,
          FinancialMgmtTaxCategoryRepository financialMgmtTaxCategoryRepository,
          UOMRepository uomRepository) {
        this.organizationRepository = organizationRepository;
        this.productCategoryRepository = productCategoryRepository;
        this.financialMgmtTaxCategoryRepository = financialMgmtTaxCategoryRepository;
        this.uomRepository = uomRepository;
      public void map(Product entity, PRODSUBAPPM_ProductDTOWrite dto) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entity.getSearchKey())) {
          entity.setSearchKey("TEST " + Math.random());
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entity.getDescription())) {
        if (entity.getOrganization() == null) {
        if (entity.getProductCategory() == null) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entity.getProductType())) {
        if (entity.getTaxCategory() == null) {
        if (entity.getUOM() == null) {

    plugins {
      id 'java'
      id 'org.springframework.boot'
      id 'io.spring.dependency-management'
    group = 'com.etendorx.subapp'
    version = "1.0.0"
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    java {
      sourceCompatibility = '17'
    ext {
        includeInDasDependencies = true
    repositories {
      maven {
        url = ""
        credentials {
          username = "${githubUser}"
          password = "${githubToken}"
      maven {
        url = ""
        credentials {
          username = "${nexusUser}"
          password = "${nexusPassword}"
    ext {
      set('springCloudVersion', "2022.0.4")
      includeInDasDependencies = true
    dependencies {
      implementation ''
      compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.22'
      annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.22'
      implementation project(path: ':com.etendorx.entities')
      annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.22'
      implementation "com.etendorx:das_core:" + findProperty("rx.version")
      implementation project(path: ':com.etendorx.entities')
      implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
      testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-rest:2.5.10'
      testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
      testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:postgresql:1.17.3'
      testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:junit-jupiter:1.17.3'
      testImplementation ('com.etendorx:das') {
        transitive = false
        exclude group: 'com.etendorx.test.grpc'
      testImplementation (':com.etendorx.utils:auth') {
        exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: '*'
      implementation 'org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui:2.2.0'
    dependencyManagement {
      imports {
        mavenBom "${springCloudVersion}"
    tasks.named('test') {
    Verify the completion of this process and the accurate creation of all essential files and directories.

  3. Migrate the 'lib' Directory: Move the lib directory from modules_rx/<RXJavapackage>/lib to modules/<javapakage>/<subapp-name>/lib. In our particular example, from the root of your Etendo environment, execute the following command to move the lib folder:

    mv modules_rx/com.etendorx.subapp.product/lib/ modules/com.etendoerp.subapp.product/subapp-product/
    └── com.etendoerx.subapp.product
        ├── src-db 
        └── subapp-product
            ├── .bundle
            ├── _tests_
            ├── android
            ├── ios
            ├── lib
            ├── node_modules
            └── src

    Completing this step ensures that the libraries are correctly placed in the project, promoting efficient integration of your sub-application.


    Consider moving the generated files and directories to the location described in the previous step after each execution of ./gradlew rx:generate.entities. Otherwise, your sub-application may work incorrectly. It is strongly recommended to check and confirm the location of these files after each entity generation.

  4. In the rxconfig/das.yaml file you must declare the javapackage of the world you are developing with the following code:

        basePackage: com.etendorx.subapp.product
  5. Restart the Etendo RX Service: After successfully migrating the lib directory, restart the Etendo RX service to recognize the new changes. To do this, first stop the currently running Etendo RX service, and then restart it using the following command from the root of your Etendo environment:

    ./gradlew rx:rx

    Executing this command will relaunch the Etendo RX service with the newly integrated libraries and configurations.

Integrating Etendo RX with Etendo Sub-Application

This section details the integration of Etendo RX generated TypeScript entities with the Etendo Sub-Application, focusing on backend-frontend interactions.

Custom Hooks in React Native

Custom hooks are a fundamental aspect of React Native, offering a modular approach to managing logic in applications. These hooks allow for creating, updating, and deleting functionalities, and are instrumental in abstracting complex interactions with the backend, thereby enhancing code maintainability and readability.

Overview of Custom Hooks

Custom hooks, such as useProduct, exemplify the integration between frontend components and backend services.

Implementing Custom Hooks

Here's an example of how custom hooks are utilized:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Product } from '../../lib/data_gen/product.types';
import ProductService from '../../lib/data_gen/productservice';

// Custom hook for managing products
export const useProduct = () => {
  const [products, setProducts] = useState<Product[]>([]);

  // Fetching data
  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
      const data = await ProductService.BACK.getFilteredProducts(); 
  }, []);

  // Function to handle product update
  const handleUpdateProduct = async (updatedProduct: Product) => {
    await ProductService.BACK.updateProduct(updatedProduct);
    // Optionally, update the products state to reflect the changes

  // Function to get filtered products (if needed)
  const getFilteredProducts = async (filterCriteria: any) => {
    const filteredProducts = await ProductService.BACK.getFilteredProducts(filterCriteria);
    return filteredProducts; // This line is optional, allowing the function to return the filtered products

  return {

Implementing useProduct Hook in Home Component

The Home component serves as a central hub for product management within our React Native application, which allows interacting with product data. The useProduct custom hook provides functions for retrieving and updating products, which the Home component uses to maintain its state and user interface.

Example Usage

Using the Table component from Etendo UI Library, the Home component lists the products, displaying a loading spinner while the data is being fetched. The useProduct hook is used to manage the data and loading state, ensuring that the component remains responsive and user-friendly.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import useProduct from '../../hooks/useProduct';
import { Table } from 'etendo-ui-library';

const Home = () => {
  // data is the list of products, as a result of a RX consult in useProduct
  // loading is a boolean that indicates if the data is being loaded
  const { data, loading } = useProduct();
  return (
        data={data} // here is used to list the products
        isLoading={loading} // here is used to show a loading spinner

export default Home;

Based on this, the Home component is presented as an efficient product data manager, highlighting the main actions of obtaining and visualizing products, presenting a sub-application design and allowing real-time updates and fluid interactions with the user.


The integration of Etendo RX with Etendo Sub-Applications using custom hooks like useProduct enhances the development process and the user experience. It provides a seamless connection between backend services and a React Native frontend

In the Home.tsx component, we observed the practical application of these hooks, which resulted in a dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly interface. This approach not only streamlines the development process but also ensures that the code remains maintainable and readable.

While the example focused on listing products using a table, it's important to note that the distributed code includes additional functionalities. These include editing, adding, and deleting products, further demonstrating the versatility and comprehensive nature of the useProduct hook within the application.

Attached below is an example of F&B International Group's products, obtained through Etendo RX, demonstrating the efficiency between backend and frontend operations in a practical sub-application context.


In essence, this integration is a significant stride in creating robust, scalable, and intuitive mobile applications within the Etendo ecosystem.