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Install Etendo Development Environment


This section explains how to install and run a new local Etendo environment.

Install Etendo in local Environment

To install Etendo in a development environment, follow the same steps as described in the Etendo Installation Guide, the only difference is that we open the project with intelliJ and run Tomcat locally.

Run Etendo Development Environment

  1. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

  2. Open Etendo source directory with IntelliJ: open-project.png

  3. Install Smart Tomcat plugin: To install, go to Settings >> Plugins and search for “Smart Tomcat” install-smart-tomcat.png

  4. Download Apache Tomcat and unzip it in the project directory

  5. Setting up Tomcat

    • Go to Current File >> Edit configurations. edit-configurations.png
    • Add new Smart Tomcat Configuration, clicking "+"
    • Name: Tomcat
    • Tomcat Server: Select unziped Apache Tomcat directory
    • Deployment directory: Select WebContent directory in the project
    • Context path: define the same context path defined in file (by default "/etendo" )
    • Before launch: Remove all default tasks


  6. Start the Tomcat



     Now you have a new Etendo environment running in [http://localhost:8080/etendo](http://localhost:8080/etendo)

    Default credentials

    User: admin  
    Password: admin
  1. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

  2. Open Etendo source directory with IntelliJ:


  3. Seting up Tomcat

    • Go to Current File >> Edit configurations.


    • Select the Tomcat configuration that appears first in the list, check the Tomcat server configuration on your machine.


    • In the Deployment section, add external sources


    • Selec the C ${env.CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/etendo folder or the and then click the OK button.


  4. Start the Tomcat



     Now you have a new Etendo environment running in [http://localhost:8080/etendo](http://localhost:8080/etendo)

    Default credentials

    User: admin  
    Password: admin

Enable Etendo Logs (Optional)

  1. Open the file config/log4j2-web.xml, find the line <!-- <AppenderRef ref="Console"/> --> and uncomment it:

        <Root level="info">
        <AppenderRef ref="RollingFile"/>
        <!-- Add this appender to show log messages in console i.e Eclipse: -->
        <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>  << UNCOMMENT THIS LINE
    2. Run smartbuild task

        ./gradlew smartbuild --info