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File Downloader Tool

Javapackage: com.etendoerp.copilot.toolpack


The File Downloader Tool is designed to receive a URL and download the corresponding file to a temporary directory, returning the path to the temporary file. This tool is extremely valuable for any application that needs to dynamically interact with files on the web. It allows you to efficiently download files and store them temporarily, facilitating their later use and manipulation without the need to worry about file management in the system. In addition, it handles different types of content (text and binary) automatically, making the operation transparent and simple for the user.


To be able to include this functionality, the Copilot Extensions Bundle must be installed. To do that, follow the instructions from the marketplace: Copilot Extensions Bundle. For more information about the available versions, core compatibility and new features, visit Copilot Extensions - Release notes.


This tool is especially useful when you need to download files from the web for further processing without worrying about managing the files on the local system. It can be useful for tasks such as:

  • Downloading images, documents or other files for analysis and processing.
  • Getting files for temporary storage, avoiding the need for direct file system management.

This process consists of the following actions:

  • Receiving Parameters

    The tool receives a URL as a string via the file_path_or_url parameter.

  • Verifying URL

    It checks if the entry is a valid URL (starts with http:// or https://).

  • Downloading File

    • It performs an HTTP GET request to the URL.
    • If the request is successful (status code 200):
      • It attempts to determine the file name from the URL.
      • If the name cannot be determined, it determines a generic name such as downloaded_file.
      • It determines the content type of the file (text or other):
        • If text, it writes the contents to a temporary file with the extension .txt, if it does not have another extension.
        • If other, it copies the content to a temporary file with the corresponding extension.
  • Returning the Result

    It returns a dictionary with the path to the temporary file created under the temp_file_path key.

  • Handling the Error

    If the URL is invalid or the download fails, it returns a relevant error message.

Usage Example

If there is a file hosted at and it is necessary to download it temporarily:

  • Input
file_path_or_url: ""
  • Output
{"temp_file_path": "/path/to/temp/downloaded_file.txt"}