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✨ Getting Started


This guide will help you set up the Etendo Platform, including both the Etendo Classic functionalities and Etendo RX, our reactive platform capable of executing microservices with database interaction and asynchronous actions.

Follow these steps for a smooth installation:

Installing Etendo


Ensure you have cloned the Etendo repository before proceeding:

git clone

Setting Up Configuration Variables

To compile and deploy an Etendo instance, you need to set up the configuration variables. To do this, create a copy of the file located in the root and src-rx folders:

cp src-rx/ src-rx/

Now, you can edit both files updating the variables, or simply use their default values.



The GitHub credentials are required. To configure GitHub credentials read the Use of Repositories technical guide in Etendo.

Variable Description Default Value
githubUser githubToken GitHub repository credentials, for access to commercial modules Environment name etendo
bbdd.sid Database name etendo
bbdd.port Database port 5432
bbdd.systemUser Database system user postgres
bbdd.systemPassword Database system password syspass
bbdd.user Database user tad
bbdd.password Database password tad
  • src-rx/
Variable Description Default Value
bbdd.rdbms Database manager system POSTGRE
bbdd.driver Environment name org.postgresql.Driver
bbdd.url Database name jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432
bbdd.sid Database port etendo
bbdd.systemUser Database system user postgres
bbdd.systemPassword Database system password syspass
bbdd.user Database user tad
bbdd.password Database password tad
bbdd.sessionConfig Database session preferences select update_dateFormat('DD-MM-YYYY')


Variables appearing in both files must have identical values. To gain more insight into what's happening, run the Gradle tasks with the --info or --debug flag.

Database Setup

For this tutorial, we will create a new database named etendo on a PostgreSQL server accessible at port 5432. If you prefer different settings, modify the values in the files accordingly.

Generating Configuration Files

Now we need to generate the configuration files, for this, run:

./gradlew setup
./gradlew rx:setup


If you change the default bbdd.url and/or bbdd.sid, you must update the src-rx/rxconfig/das.yaml file with the new values.

Installing Etendo Classic

At this point, we have all the source code needed to create the arquitecture of Etendo. To do so, run the install task to create the initial database

./gradlew install

After the database creation, compile the project and deploy Etendo Classic to Tomcat with the following command:

./gradlew smartbuild

This task deploys the webContent folder into the tomcat/webapps directory. Make sure to set $CATALINA_HOME to the correct path.

Run Tomcat and navigate to http://localhost:8080/etendo to access the Etendo Classic.


If you want to set up Tomcat locally with IntelliJ, follow the Install Etendo Development Environment developer guide.

Compiling Etendo RX

Execute the rx:generate.entities task to create the needed jars to start working with Etendo RX:

./gradlew rx:generate.entities

To launch the RX services, run:

./gradlew rx:rx

The first time you run the command above, you need to provide an access token for auth service, so now, we proceed to configure the auth project.

Configure auth project

After executing the rx:rx task, it starts setting up the services. It starts with the configuration service and when it starts to try with the auth service, it will fail because of the missing token. To extract the token check Auth log file in src-rx/logs/auth.log

You will find something similar to:

Populate the auth.yaml file with the following property:
token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9... (truncated)

Copy the value of token line and replace the token value in the file src-rx/rxconfig/auth.yaml

Replace default empty token value with log content

 token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9... (truncated)

Now that you fill the token value, run rx:rx task again and all the microservices will be up and running.

By default, the following services should be up and running:

  • Config
  • Auth
  • Edge
  • Das
  • Async


You have successfully set up the Etendo Platform. Continue your learning journey by visiting our Creating a New Microservice section in the developer guide.