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Create Reference Tool


The Create Reference Tool is an Etendo Copilot tool developed by Python to create references in the database. This tool is useful to automate the creation of references saving time and manual effort.


This process consists of the following actions:

  • Argument Processing

    Takes various input parameters defined in a pydantic model:

    • i_prefix: The prefix of the module in the database.
    • i_name: The name of the reference.
    • i_reference_list: A comma-separated list of reference items.
    • i_help (optional): Help text for the reference.
    • i_description (optional): Description of the reference.
  • Access Token Verification

Gets and verifies the access token from the thread context (ThreadContext).

  • Request Body Construction

Constructs the body of the request parameters for the webhook.

  • Webhook Call

Uses the call_webhook function to make an HTTP POST request to the Etendo webhook endpoint, providing the necessary parameters and the access token.

  • Result Handling

Returns the result of the request to the webhook, which may contain a success message or an error in JSON format.

The system returns a dictionary with the result of the operation. For example:

  • If the request was successful:
 { `success: true, message: Reference created successfully`}
  • If there was an error:
 { `error: Description of the error`}