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Core format migration


In JAR format, patchs can not be applied because the Core is resolved dinamically as a dependency.

  1. To migrate from an environment with sources, you need to add to the build.gradle, the Etendo core dependency implementation('com.etendoerp.platform:etendo-core:<version>')

  2. You need to remove all the folders and files leaving the ones belonging to attachments,gradle, modules and config directories:

    • gradle/
    • attachments/
    • config/
    • modules/
    • build.gradle
    • gradlew
    • gradlew.bat
    • settings.gradle
  3. To update the environment you have to execute the task

    ./gradlew update.database --info
    and run
    ./gradlew compile.complete smartbuild --info

  1. To migrate from an environment with JARs to sources, you have to remove the Etendo core dependency from your build.gradle and run

    ./gradlew clean

  2. To work with sources, you need to specify the version to use in the Etendo plugin extension block inside the build.gradle

    etendo {
        coreVersion = "22.1.0"

    By default, Etendo tries to resolve the artifact com.etendoerp.platform:etendo-core


    Notice the supportJars flag. This is used to indicate if the current core version support JARs or not. By default is set to true.

  3. Finally, to download the sources you need to run the expand core task.

    ./gradlew expandCore --info
  4. Recompile

    ./gradlew compile.complete smartbuild --info

  5. Update the database

    ./gradlew update.database